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Writer's pictureDan Nanamkin

Creating Solutions in Unity 2020

Updated: May 7, 2021

VALUES:  Honor-Empower-Respect-Service

“All men were made by the great spirit chief! They are all brothers!”

~ Chief Joseph

I welcome you here as a part of a wide diversity of amazing people with a multitude of talents, skills, professions, abilities and realities whom I'm happy to call friends. Thank you for reading this in its entirety. This is an important calling of our time! 

“How” may we serve a greater purpose of hope for our world and our future right now??!  I’ve wrapped my entire life purpose toward this mission and that's where I met many of you along this journey.  Meeting you has been a wonderful opportunity, an education in the arts of humanity and diversity of culture. I see people wanting to do more. Sometimes what hinders our progress is that our personalities and values may be out of alignment. Sometimes it's our torrid history that keeps us apart and often we don't have the wealth, time or the health to contribute as we may wish. Maybe we take small steps and wish we could take longer strides, but it seems impossible...I know I'm not alone in this.

I began this first newsletter with a quote from Chief Joseph. He is a very well-known historical figure. He was the chief of our people, the Nez Perce. He is remembered as a great leader and humanitarian. He is one of my role models from my home town and tribe. I am honored to receive the sacred teachings from the last of the grandparents and many of today's ceremonial leaders who were taught by the last of the last grandparents who walked in freedom on this Earth before colonization. The importance of these spiritual teachings is what our communities struggle to learn. If we understood these values, customs and beliefs, perhaps our communities would not be in the situation they are in. Within their stories they offer keys to survive. These values and teachings must live on.

“Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence.” ~ Christian Quintasket - Mourning Dove, 1888-1936 (my great great great grandmother)

Mourning Dove was the very first female Native American Author.

As a youth I loved hearing the stories she wrote down of our Coyote legends. I heard these stories and lessons throughout all of my formative years. The love of storytelling has captivated my journey through life. But, it wasn’t until I was asked by the Youth to tell them these stories that I began to study them more closely. In doing so, I began to uncover tools, amazing revelations and prophecies that are of dire importance today. The sacred teachings of our ancestors strike me as essential keys and offer valuable instructions we need right here and now.  We are living in a time of prophecy. Our ancestors long ago predicted Standing Rock and many other events that have all come true. Our indigenous stories and native culture certainly are underappreciated for the wealth they hold.

Standing Rock was a worldwide known spiritual prayer camp with impactful historic significance that will long be remembered as a turning point in American history. People have seen photos, documentaries and violent images. I was there for over 6 months, through the end. I have a lot of never before seen videos, photos, notes, and experiences. I am currently working to create a valuable historical educational resource, to share my personal journey in a book or other publications. My perspective reaches from far before Standing Rock to the present. While there, I also worked diligently to create a bridge of Unity; that is something a lot of people never knew. There's actually A LOT that went on at Standing Rock that was of great significance that people have not heard about yet, as well many things that have inspired many, many lives since.

It's time to continue to inspire and remind people of the importance of what we experienced at Standing Rock.

Sacred visions foretold: Many generations ago our ancestors warned us of the time we are living in now. We saw much of it unfold at Standing Rock. We learned of the Sacred Hoop of Life and the responsibilities ALL people should share in to restore harmony to the natural world. Within these pearls of wisdom are valuable keys to guide and create a positive future for all children and ALL LIFE (not only human life). So with all our hearts, risking our lives, bodies and freedom we continue to Rise.

Prior to Standing Rock: I have long held firm that belief that we must find a way toward greater humaneness and equality. I worked professionally as a community director/manager where I dedicated my life to enriching my community with preventative education and cultural and family gatherings. The last thing I did there, before going to Standing Rock, was to bring back our canoe culture to our people that had been extinct for over 150 years. Before that I was a teacher who strived to encourage youth toward cultural revitalization, bring the truth about indigenous history into schools, and promote unity and positive self-leadership. I completed the Washington State Police Academy and was once awarded “Officer of the Year”. The type of police violence and corruption we endured while at Standing Rock, as well as disproportionately across the nation, is something I also feel a strong desire to speak towards.

So, I began a journey across the nation in search of answers, healing and instruction, with the intention to apply all that I learned towards service for all.

In this quest to learn about and promote peace, unity and personal healing, I have joined many walks of life beyond my own tribal culture and ceremonies. I took a road that was uncommon and sometimes very dark and dangerous. I removed myself from all my comforts and safety into a complex world that would require me to rely upon natural instincts and keen observations to keep me alive. I took a leap of faith into the depths of human nature with questions like these: How do our fears limit us? How has the pain in our past put barriers up in our lives to prevent us from reaching our full potential? I've learned things I never would have behind a desk, watching TV, in my comfortable home or in my familiar social circles. I learned how to live in the deepest darkest places within our souls with those perilous spirits who wander there, as well in the realms of beauty from gracious spirits of light. Why??

A common fear: Race relationship is a topic that is going to be hard, uncomfortable and challenging but it is necessary if our purpose is to create a true change to this world. It's not too hard to see the imbalance anywhere we look these days. The land we all walk on, there are protocols here; there are so many things we have yet to understand of the indigenous first nations. There are values that exist and so many teachings that are necessary to understand, many ways to help return balance to our planet as well our own families and to ourselves. We have a great opportunity right now to do something positive. Let’s build confidence, harmony and peace, and from there create bigger changes.

An inclusive environment where ALL people are respected, valued, and appreciated!

The Youth Warrior Society Camp. “The little ones”. We are building a skill share camp where we volunteer by sharing knowledge of indigenous wisdom, permaculture, wild crafting, primal life skills, herbology, healing, wellness, food preservation, gardening, culture of unity and community building. We work together in an enjoyable community of DIVERSITY, giving respect to Equity, extending our skills and support to the local indigenous youth schools and boys and girls club each Spring and Fall. Apparently, we have caught worldwide attention. (Please watch the World Nomads video of their TV segment filmed at camp - linked at the bottom of this post.)

We have big future goals ahead. We invite other interested communities to take note of what is happening at the Youth Warrior Society Camp. Why? What if the world economy collapsed in our time or in our grandchildren's time? Do you have the tribe, the family the skills, the confidence and the network to survive without electricity, medicine, in a world of chaos? We are teaching our kids to live with people of all colors, with all skills, in a safe environment where everyone is welcome to share and to learn. I'll have another video by next month's newsletter to share with you.  

“Pass the truth to the next generation ~ teach them what we have learned late.”


After seeing the dog attacks at Standing Rock, I left my job and made a stand to go. I love my dogs! By taking this path I left some HUGE dreams behind. I also lost a lot of relationships on this journey and opportunities. Being in a place with such high unemployment and interpersonal challenges it has been impossible to return back to the workforce. I am known for my kind and generous spirit, but I took on “too much” on top of trying to heal myself from some of the biggest personal losses and miseries that brought me to my knees. Obstacles, road blocks, collisions, oppression, a never ending reality of hopelessness, but that is also where many amazing blessings, growth, vision and tenacity were formed. I've learned to be strong by inspiring strong people to become more powerful. They are alive, and that there is a miracle I have been blessed to be a part of.

Two years ago, my 83 year old father was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, and I have been taking care of him here. They gave him six months to live, but we found ways to keep him strong. I rescued a nephew who was lost in a dark twisted world of mental illness and addictions on the streets of Seattle. I supported him and he is alive and well today. Additionally, I was called upon by people near and far to help and support a wide array of needs, including supporting their events. I saw a lot of characteristics of people both good and bad that I had to learn from. I had to learn how to heal and take care of myself. In doing so, I lost over 70 lbs., stopped smoking, found healthier ways to deal with my internal anguish, and how to find motivation, inspiration and self-confidence.

I have compiled over 300 hours of voice recordings, resources, photos, and videos. Personally, this was a form of self-therapy through amazing moments of clarity, deep discovery and blessings. These are the tools I hope to share with others to navigate through hard times in life. I believe some of these teachings could save a life someday, in fact I know it already has. I want to create a resource to change these behaviors so I never fear walking in the darkness. I want to be a light to help others make it through. I want our youth and adults to know there are better ways to cope with pain and suffering.

The time has come…

By fate, I met a New York Times Best Selling Author who invited me to her inspired writers retreat (inspired legacy method). She read my writing samples and encouraged me to tell my story. She thought my perspective from Standing Rock was unique, intriguing and inspiring. She remarked that my book could draw interest from a major publishing company, if it was well written. With the Standing Rock Documentary coming out later this year (in which I have a feature role), as well as a feature length film in which I have my acting debut (also being released this year), and a few television appearances (which could potentially garner interest towards this book or other productions), she thought there could be added interest which would be great for marketing and sales. Timing is imperative, especially since I've cleared room to work on this now.

As an educator I have attended Washington State University (WSU) to learn to develop cultural curriculum; a community wellness training with the Native Wellness Institute; and then, further excelled by obtaining a certification as a Fitness and Health Instructor for adults and youth. In addition, I ventured across the nation volunteering as an ambassador for unity and inspiring cultural education in schools, colleges, cultural and music festivals, and communities for the past three years. I have learned a wealth of knowledge by challenging myself to go far beyond my comfort zone and expertise. Creator has been very kind to me in opening up the doors and opportunities that have come. Maybe one day the youth we serve will have a safe path to walk by the trails we carve out for them together. This is a new path we tend together.

That's why I have asked you to come aboard if you are ready. This is beyond what I can do by myself. I see the potential to dream bigger and create an impact. There is no accident you are reading this now, so I invite you to learn how we can team up. Please ask questions I want to be clear and understanding and inviting as I can be.


All of our work together is in service for future generations and all Life on Earth, not for profit.


STEP #1Young Warrior Society Camp The ultimate goal for the land project is to establish a nonprofit, and eventually become self-sustaining and green energy powered center. This goal is worthy of support because I started with ZERO skills, no funding, and only one acre of acidic soil, yet together, WE managed to have success! So this can be done anywhere by anyone. Help with grant writing is needed to purchase supplies, equipment, attend training and support our instructors and eventual expansion of land purchase. Our next camp is scheduled for late May. I would like to have support to attain some educational presentation equipment and more professional video/camera equipment.

Material Donations needed: lumber, home depot cards, riding lawn mower, trailer, shed, tools, rototiller, generator, solar panels, teepees, yurt, organic seeds, blankets, canvas, projector, gas cards, food cards, freeze dryer, rifle, excavation rental, greenhouse, top soil, posts, more…

STEP #2 - The Sacred Path Focus-intent: I will initiate a monthly newsletter / blog [check!]; encourage forward thinking communication and steps for action!!! ~ complete the review/study/research and initiate writing Book #1 ~ and, work on all the legalities and intricacies of book publishing, promotion and marketing. Support for this will make it possible to manifest: software, equipment, tech help, travel, home work base, editing, promo etc. There are also some additional Educational Presentations, video productions, and more that shall come. My intention is to share the sacred wisdom that guided me through the violent front lines of Standing Rock, and then, took me on a historic journey across the nation to explore the arts of humanity and inspire hope and unity ~ sharing Indigenous education and history they fail to teach us in school.

STEP #3 - Forward Progress Eventually, as leadership emerges among us more ideas shall arise. I hope to inspire creativity and catalyze the energy to create a far reaching, powerful educational movement and partnerships. Together we have the potential to create something which will inspire the world: workshops, economic adventures, music, videos, etc. This will take solid support in funding, technology, logistics, marketing, legal, networking, promo and other resources; and, the right team working in solidarity with a hearty work effort. I would love to find those eager and equally committed to doing this together.

~ to help raise awareness ~

please retweet Dan's Twitter posts become a one of Dan's Patreon subscribers


CONTRIBUTE financially or DONATE time ~ talent ~ materials: equipment, software, supplies, proofreading / grammar, editors, computer tech help (working on MAC), legal reviews and legal book/ presentation issues, publicist, taxes, marketing, merchandise development, copyright, promotion, music, promo video creation, resources, grant writing, networking, gas / food / shopping cards, clerical skills, mind mapping, creativity, research, and fundraising are all surely appreciated. Also, getting me in the doors to offer presentations is very helpful. I'll do the work!

Who’s reading this: critical thinkers, movers, doers, people of action, people of integrity. You are in great company here. Attached to this letter are friends from diverse nationalities from around the world with abundant skills such as: entertainers, artists, visionaries, healers, visual artists, musicians, parents, survivalists, educators, grandmothers, cultural leaders, role models, activists, directors, entrepreneurs, herbalists, ethno-botanists, professors, authors, actors, photographers, students and more. People I trust, admire, respect, and value. There’s a Lil over a 100 friends I have personally invited to read this.

What sets us apart? This is an all inclusive, organic, grass roots initiative that is indigenous led and culturally competent, whose purpose is to respect the diversity of all while being committed to honor unity and equity, thereby empowering wellness and healing, survival and safety in honor and balance with all life.

THANK YOU FOR READING: When we lived in Standing Rock, we all rolled up our sleeves and in some fashion we found a way to work together, even through the most challenging and difficult times of our life we pulled together til the very end and beyond. That is what I am hoping for here, in some way...Please put this in your heart, consider it, and know we are doing something greater, beyond ourselves.

ways you may support these projects

1. Dan Nanamkin (to send any packages, checks, M.O. cards/physical items.)

POB 523

Nespelem WA, 99155

2. Venmo: Please (click here) to support me!

3. Paypal: please (click here) to support me!

4. Patreon: Please (click here) to support me!

+With Love Peace Hope Respect I appreciate you. Lem Lempt

We are the ancestors our future generations will need to stand together now. I want them to remember us in a good way. We have an opportunity to do more, to help save a life, to help create a change, to save our Mother.



1. Click here WATCH the amazing WARRIOR LAND PROJECT video

2. Watch WORLD NOMADS visit here at the Warrior camp. (Click here to watch this video)

Thank you: Lois, Ariahna, Colin, Brian and Vanessa for reviewing and supporting in creating this first newsletter! I'm new to MAC. The next newsletter will be more prompt, less lengthy, more organized and full of info and updates. I'm sure you will enjoy seeing how we have pulled together. (post dated ~ posted by Lois Barnett, a website admin, by Dan's request)

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